• Top 5 Myths The Wet Wipe Industry Wants You To Believe

    Top 5 Myths The Wet Wipe Industry Wants You To Believe

    Lets debunk myths about wipes, with Tushé toilet paper foam. Labels such, as "flushable" are misleading consumers on purpose.
  • The Global Dilemma: The Popularity of Wet Wipes & Their Environmental Impact

    The Global Dilemma: The Popularity of Wet Wipes & Their Environmental Impact

    Wet wipes are convenient but raise multiple environmental issues. Toilet paper foam balances convenience with environmental care.
  • 100-Year-Old Wet Wipes: They're Not Going Anywhere!

    100-Year-Old Wet Wipes: They're Not Going Anywhere!

    Wet wipes slowly degrade lasting over 100 years. Toilet paper foam breaks down immediately without causing harm to the environment.

  • "Flushable" Doesn't Mean Flushable

    "Flushable" Doesn't Mean Flushable

    Discover why the term "flushable”, on wet wipe packaging can be deceptive leading to damage to your septic system. Our toilet paper foam is 100% flushable.

  • Rising Trend: Wet Wipes & The Surge in Popularity

    Rising Trend: Wet Wipes & The Surge in Popularity

    Wet wipes may be handy but they are harmful to the environment. Tushé provides Toilet Paper Foam a promoting cleanliness while being mindful of the environment. 
  • The Silent Threat: Wet Wipes and Their Environmental Impact on Landfills

    The Silent Threat: Wet Wipes and Their Environmental Impact on Landfills

    In todays world convenience frequently outweighs sustainability as wet wipes add to the burden, on landfills and the environment. Tushé provides a solution, with their toilet paper foam helping to minimize waste and conserve resources for a greener planet.